2016 June SAP Official New Released C_PM_71 Q&As in GreatExam.com!
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Following questions and answers are all new published by SAP Official Exam Center: (The full version is in the end of the article!!!)
The purpose of archiving data is to provide a method to check, remove, and store data that has completed its life cycle. Data that meets the check criteria ofthe data retention rules can be archived. What are the main criteria for defining data retention rules? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question.
A. Customers business process requirements
B. Legal and statutory requirements
C. Customers internal network bandwidth between database and GUI
D. Main memory capacity of customers application server
Answer: AB
How do you ensure that the benefits of your project are accurately reflected in the Business Blueprint?
Note: There are 3 correct answers to this question.
A. Perform a value audit to monitor and control the implementation of key process changes.
B. Monitor financial key performance indicators (KPls) on an ongoing basis.
C. Associate Process Performance Indicators (PPls) with processes.
D. Decompose a value map and associate it with the solution and process design.
E. Translate value drivers and value enablers into business process requirements
Answer: BCD
Which of the following deliverables of the Realization phase are relevant for functional business scenario and process testing? Note: There are 3 correct answers to this question.
A. Business Process Procedure
B. Failover Environment
C. Approved Technical System Tests
D. Approved User Acceptance Test
E. Scenario Test #1 -n
Answer: CDE
What is the main purpose of the Project Scope Statement?
A. provide input to the business case-
B. To freeze the project scope and prevent anyr future scope changes.
C. To clearly and explicitly define the deliverables of the project.
D. To document the functional specifications that will be further refined in the Business Blueprint phase
Answer: C
You are using diagnostics in SAP Solution Manager to perform root cause analysis during the Operate phase.
Which of the following end–to–end functions support root cause analysis? Note: There are 3 correct answers to this question.
A. End–to–end change analysis
B. End–to–end trace analysis
C. End–to–end process monitoring
D. End–to–end workload analysis
E. End–to–end test analysis
Answer: ABD
When do you set up the Business Process Hierarchy in SAP Solution Manager?
A. Prior to project initiation as a solution map
B. During Project Preparation, and it is further refined during the Business Blueprint
C. Prior to SAP Best Practices activation
D. During the Business Blueprint, and it is further refined during Realization
Answer: B
You are in the Project Preparation phase and want to refine the implementation scope. One part of the implementation scope focuses on the business processes affected by the project. Why is it important to define a Business Process Hierarchy? Note: There are 3 correct answers to this question.
A. It is needed to manage external stakeholder expectations.
B. It helps you to organize and execute Blueprinting workshops.
C. It allows you to capture deliverables such as requirements and process flows in a structured way.
D. It is the binding structure for value delivery.
E. It helps you to develop a detailed cost management plan.
Answer: BCD
The project manager plans the quality assurance for the project and considers using the Project Management Review service as an impartial analysis.
When is the service delivered according to ASAP?
A. During the Operate phase, once the project is completed
B. After each project phase, delivered in five steps
C. In the Final Preparation phase, delivered by the project manager
D. During the realization phase, after each project quality gate is completed
Answer: B
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